The annual Club Day at Archie Williams was a success with over 40 new students signing up for our team. If you know of any other kids who would be interested in joining the team, especially any girls, please let us know and direct them to the website’s Participation Form page.
We are looking forward to kicking off our season with this amazing group of student athletes and parents/guardians. As a reminder, our team’s central goal is for student athletes to develop a strong body, mind and character through mountain biking. There are no tryouts, no cuts and no one sits on the bench. Everyone rides no matter their ability and skill level. The only requirement is participating in regular practices at least twice a week and attending races. While we are officially a club sport, we are the largest team at Archie Williams High School and the winning-est team in the state. We pride ourselves on our team spirit and our inclusivity.
This experience will also provide parents and guardians, with an incredible opportunity to share amazing experiences with your child while building a community that empowers your student athlete to reach their full potential. So let's get this thing started! Here is an overview of the season and the next steps to complete.
Pre-season events
During our preseason from October 15th through November, we offer six pre-season fun rides and events which will give you and your student athlete a chance to get a feel for the team. The rides are at a casual pace so that student athletes can get to know one another without any pressure.
Tuesday, October 15
Required meeting for parents and athletes in the AW Student Center at 6pm for an overview of the upcoming season and
team jersey fitting.
Saturday, Oct 19
Preseason Kick Off Ride & BBQ at Peri Park (parents are welcome at the BBQ)
Sunday, Oct 27
Bring a Friend Ride (extra points for bringing a girl!)
Sunday, Nov 3
Treasure Hunt Ride
Sunday, Nov 17
Ice Cream Social Ride for girls and a separate ride for boys
Sunday, Nov 24
Team Turkey Ride
Important dates
October 1
League registration opens. Expect a NICA Pit Zone email
October 15 at 6 pm
Required meeting for parents and athletes in the AW Student Center for season overview and team jersey fitting
Oct 15 through November
Participation in our pre-season events
The month of October
Contact your student’s physician to complete the required District Medical Clearance Form
November 15
Deadline for team dues
December 1
Official start to season
January 8
Deadline for school district registration
Step 1: League registration
On October 1st when registration opens, you will receive a separate email from NICA with an invitation to register your student with the league through the NICA Pit Zone and we will also email you a reminder to check your email. Please complete the registration info, sign the waiver and pay ONLY the $60 Norcal fee and the $50 NICA fee for a total of $110. Do not play for the individual races since those costs are included in team dues.
Your student athlete will then show in the Pit Zone as “practice ready” and will be able to participate in all the preseason events and regular team rides. This step is due on October 14th, before our first preseason event. League registration through the NICA Pit Zone MUST be completed before any student can participate in a team event.
Step 2: Order Race Jersey.
On October 15th during the required meeting at the AW Student Center, athletes will have the opportunity to try on sample jerseys to determine the correct fit and will be provided the link to the team store to purchase a team jersey by the deadline on October 15th to ensure the orders arrive before the first race. At a minimum, a team jersey will need to be purchased since the league requires each student athlete to wear an identifiable team jersey on race day. It is optional to purchase bibs, arm warmers, leg warmers, gloves, vest and jacket.
Step 3: Tam District Medical Release Form.
Download the form and get a head start to get your medical provider to complete the clearance form. The completed form will be submitted with the rest of the Tam District registration packet due by January 8th.
Step 4: Pay team dues by November 15th.
Both the NICA registration and payment of dues must be complete for your child to participate in any team events after December 1st. More information will be available soon.
Step 5: Book Accommodations
After October 15th when NorCal officially announces the race venues and dates, the team will email with recommendations for accommodations. Reservations need to be made for the night before the race date and preferably made directly with the hotel, not a booking site, so that there is an option to cancel the reservation.
Step 6: Tam District Registration due on January 8th
The Tam District registration packet will be available for download from the AWMTB website at the beginning of December, allowing time before the winter break for parents to download, complete and mail to P.O. Box 495 ,San Anselmo, CA, 94979 or drop off in the lock box in the Vice Principals Office at Archie Williams. District registration must be complete for your child to participate in any team events after January 8th.
If you have any questions, please contact head coaches Laura Childress and Ross Blanchard.
Athletes need to have a mountain bike in good running condition and are required to wear helmets (MIPS rated). Gloves and sunglasses are strongly recommended. The league requires that athletes race in a team jersey. Every athlete is expected to ride with all the necessary tools and nutrition for each ride.This includes a spare tube, patches, plugs, chain link, mini-pump, wrench kit, snacks, water and a jacket. Each student athlete is responsible for maintaining their own mountain bike. As a sponsor of our team, Sunshine Bicycle Center offers discounts to team members for equipment and repairs. Please let us know if you need help finding and or purchasing a bike.